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Kia Used Cars Near You

Find a Kia Dealer Near You

Kia Optima

Are you currently in the market for affordable Kia deals near you? It can be difficult to find a Kia dealer near you that you can trust to give you a fair deal on a new Kia in South Florida. We’d like to make your search to find a Kia dealer near you easy at Doral Kia. Our Kia dealership serves our communities as a hub for all your Kia shopping and service necessities. Our used Kia dealership near you offers a multitude of certified services and exclusive products to our guests to make shopping for and maintaining your Kia in South Florida as seamless and convenient as possible. We offer certified Kia service, OEM parts, accessories, Kia lease offers, and premium financing options at our dealership. Choose Doral Kia when you're looking to find a Kia dealer near you that offers great value and accommodating services. We can't wait for you to visit us and discover the sweet new Kia deals near you that we have in store!


Kia Used Cars Near You

It can be affordable to lease a Kia in South Florida when you shop wisely! Check out the current Kia lease offers, service coupons, and parts specials available on our site to find out how much you could save on your next trip to our used Kia dealership near you. We always keep a vast array of special offers on new and used Kia sedan models for sale at Doral Kia. There's an ideal offer for your unique budget whether you’ve been searching for new or used Kia models. You could lease a Kia Optima for a fraction of the regular cost with the right offer from our specials! Be sure to take a look through our offers before your visit so you can get the best value on the Kia used cars near you that we have in stock.


Our selection of new and used Kia deals near you has something to offer anyones unique preferences and incomes. We strive to keep a wide array of models in various trims and colors at our used Kia dealership near you. We’re sure that we’ll have a perfect match to your unique wants and needs in our vast array of Kia used cars near you. Our latest models have a plethora of new technology and connectivity features to enjoy alongside the comfortable cabin and slick performance. Our Kia used cars near you on have their own unique features and comforts that we’d be more than happy to showcase for you at our Kia dealership in South Florida.


You and your family will be pleasantly surprised with the comfort and convenience available in our selection of new Kia Optima for sale near you. The new Kia Optima in our inventory offer comfortable seating, plenty of storage space for your belongings, and easy to use technology applications. Your whole family has something to enjoy in a cabin of a new Kia Optima! Our friendly and professional sales associates are eager to showcase our sleek new and used Kia models for you. Come visit our used Kia dealership near you when you're ready to take a new Kia Optima out on the road for yourself! You’ll never turn back after experiencing the svlete style and supreme comfort of the new Kia deals near you available at Doral Kia.